Friday, February 1, 2008

Computer Suicide

Dear friends,

My dear Mac, it appears, has committed suicide. One day it was working, the next day it wouldn't turn on. It's so sad when something so cute gives up on itself.

I promised my dad I would look at non-Apple laptops as I search for something new. I don't even know where to start. I know we have a few tech-geeks here, so I was hoping for some advice. While I look at computers (Mac and PC), what should I look for? Any brands you'd recommend, etc?

Thanks everyone!


p.s. i got a nod from the Fulbright committee to move onto the next round of the competition

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Greetings from Provy!

I'm so excited to be part of this blog! Your absence is deeply felt around here! Things here have been swell. Shopping period is coming to an end. Like a good senior, I am probably taking only three classes: Chinese Political Thought with Professor Handsome, Narrating History with Elizabeth Taylor, and Introduction to Environmental Science with this guy: "" (Yeah, that's one hell of a personal history.)

106 Governor Street Apartment 3 has been a continual bakefest since I have been back. We held a brunch last week that featured frittata, two types of muffin, and vegan pancakes. We also made several batches of cookies and cupcakes in the meantime. As in, something has been baked in my kitchen almost every other day. We claim it's because our heater ran out of oil earlier this week, and cooking keeps the apartment warm, but it's really just because we harbor not-so-secret domestic desires.

Speaking of domesticity, my childhood best friend got engaged over the winter break, and I am going to be a bridesmaid this November. (AHH!) If anyone is interested in coming to Ohio over Thanksgiving break to be my wedding date, there is still a spot at the open bar for you!

Unfortunately that's all the real news I have for you. In the meantime, you should check out this link: "" It's everything you wanted and more.

I miss you all terribly! Take care of yourselves!
