Monday, January 21, 2008

checking in from brooklyn

hey ya'll!

it's nice to hear from those of who have seen far off and exotic places. i too have ventured far: canarsie, brooklyn. last week i started an internship with this non profit called heart of brooklyn. it provides a connection between all the major cultural institutions of downtown brooklyn (museum, botanic garden, zoo, etc.). they also run this weekly afterschool program in canarsi that i went to help out with. it's for fourth graders who live in public housing and normally wouldn't go to places like art museums. so we bring the museums and things to them! the kids were pretty adorable but also live a very very different life. as we were walking from their school to the community center, these three girls were talking about how somebody was threatening to jump one of them. remember, they're in fourth grade.

other than that i've been leading a boring life. reading, watching movies, sending tons of emails.

yesterday i went to my dad's cousin's wedding. that was a trip. everything had to be said in three languages: russian, english, and hebrew. and somehow sunrise sunset was deemed an acceptable wedding song (it's from fiddler on the roof for those who don't know. it would be like playing la vie boheme at your wedding. which, now that i think about it, doesn't sound like that bad of an idea).
me and the young hooligan at the wedding.

wishing you all the best


1 comment:

Ben said...

I cannot believe they had "Sunrise Sunset" at the wedding! I think I just peed a little...