Friday, February 1, 2008

Computer Suicide

Dear friends,

My dear Mac, it appears, has committed suicide. One day it was working, the next day it wouldn't turn on. It's so sad when something so cute gives up on itself.

I promised my dad I would look at non-Apple laptops as I search for something new. I don't even know where to start. I know we have a few tech-geeks here, so I was hoping for some advice. While I look at computers (Mac and PC), what should I look for? Any brands you'd recommend, etc?

Thanks everyone!


p.s. i got a nod from the Fulbright committee to move onto the next round of the competition


Ben said...

A nod?!? That sounds so official. Congratulations!

I will always and forever use a mac, so I'm no help at all as far as non-macs go. =]

Jonathan "Jono" Warren said...

an od! brilliant!

as far as computers go, i just bought an Asus (ASUSTeK Computer Incorporated (Asus) (traditional Chinese: 華碩電腦股份有限公司)) laptop; they're a taiwanese company, totally trustable, and i've been using their products for years without a problem.

or you could always just get a dell.